Advanced Rescue

Gain skills and certifications that keep you safe and propel your career forward. 
Let us guide your professional growth.

Whether a front line operator or a supervisor, manager or senior leader, we have resources to help you and your organization in a way that is useful for you.

About us

We are a leading emergency services consulting, training and certification company based in Ontario, Canada, which has been committed to helping individuals and organizations achieve their professional development goals for several decades.

Whether you are a seasoned emergency services management professional seeking high level consulting to executive leaders and management or just starting your career, our experienced team offers a range of services designed to boost capacity, knowledge and skills as well as enhance needs.

Our mission is to provide high-quality training, consulting and operational services to a high degree and quality along with services which keep people safe and effective.

We believe in empowering people with the knowledge and confidence they need to succeed in their chosen fields. Join us and take the next step in your professional journey.

Our services

man in black helmet holding black stick


We teach and certify to several levels, suchs as Awareness, Operations, Technician and up to and including Instructor level. Commonly these may be Rescue Courses which would be compliant to relevant standards such as NFPA or specialist medical courses (such as Tactical Medicine).

people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime


We provide expert advise and oversight. This includes short and long term consultancies as well as onsite retainers for professional organisations and special projects such organisational development, management training, from C-Suite / Chief level guidance to forensic witness testimony or investigations.

a couple of cars that are sitting in the street


We provide front line operational services. Most all the subjects we teach and consult we can provide services in Canada and the United Kingdom or elsewhere. This means that we can teach and we can also provide the safety services, and often do. Or Stand By Rescue. If it's Police please email us directly.